Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Detecting OpenSSL version data in Splunk

I won't go into the HeartBleed details as you likely already know them. From a Splunk perspective there are any number of ways to try to get your arms around this issue but are highly dependent on the types of data you are collecting. That said, if you are using the Splunk Linux TA and have the package script enabled and/or the Windows TAs and have the InstalledApps_Windows script turned on you could use the following queries to extract the OpenSSL version. You could also combine the queries but for the purposes of posting them here that would make it harder to read /shrug. Obviously adjust based on changes you've made (ie sourcetype)

sourcetype=package  | multikv  | search NAME=openssl  | dedup host ARCH  | eval HBconcern = case(match(VERSION,"(^0\.\d\.\d|^1\.0\.0)"), "Too Low", match(VERSION,"^A"), "HP (Not familiar)", match(VERSION,"^1\.0\.1[a-f]"), "Potentially Susceptible", match(VERSION,"^1\.0\.1[g-z]"), "Patched", match(VERSION,"^1\.0\.2-beta"), "Potentially Susceptible", 1=1, "fixme") | table host NAME VENDOR GROUP VERSION ARCH Hbconcern | sort host

sourcetype=InstalledApps_Windows DisplayName=openssl | rex  "DisplayName=OpenSSL\s+(?<VERSION>\S+)\s+\((?<ARCH>[^\)]+)"| dedup host ARCH | eval HBconcern = case(match(VERSION,"(^0\.\d\.\d|^1\.0\.0)"), "Too Low", match(VERSION,"^A"), "HP (Not familiar)", match(VERSION,"^1\.0\.1[a-f]"), "Potentially Susceptible", match(VERSION,"^1\.0\.1[g-z]"), "Patched", match(VERSION,"^1\.0\.2-beta"), "Potentially Susceptible", 1=1, "fixme") | table host VERSION ARCH HBconcern | sort host

What I'm not sure on is the regex for the 1.0.2-beta as I haven't actually seen that version installed. I'm guessing it shows up like that. 

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