Whenever I see an article title like “<insert framework>: One framework to rule them all” as recently discussed here I’m simultaneously reminded of the following xkcd cartoon, which touches on the N+1 issues of framework consolidation, and my grandmother saying "you can’t change the direction of a parked car." Relative to achieving framework compliance I’m not sure if those two thoughts live on the same spectrum or make up 2 corners of a compliance related iron triangle. Not sure what the 3rd iron triangle corner would be though.
Monday, June 7, 2021
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Splunking Game Data - Darkfire Heroes part 2
In part of one of this series I went down the path of Splunking game data from a 2 day, single challenge event. In this installment I'm going to dive into a bit of data from an event that encompassed several different challenges.
In looking back at the dashboard I created, how I was working with some of the data, and the sheer volume of data across all of the challenges - the dashboard itself might not have much value from a game analytic perspective lol. I also realized how much I focused on one challenge - waves. In looking back I think that was largely due to the numbers being smaller. The approaches to displaying the data will work across all of the events so at some level it would be a lot of copy and paste as well. At any rate hopefully folks will take something away from the underlying queries and some of the challenges with trying to display the data/volume of data. TBH this is the more primary focus of this overall effort.
Data was captured across 4 challenges, 3 player level brackets, and listed scores for the top 100 positions (other than the clan boss fight).
- Waves - 5 separate groups of mobs attack your heroes
- Pacifism - multi-level, player vs environment (PvP) track where you couldn't bring damage dealers
- No Healers - multi-level, PvE track where you couldn't bring a healer
- Boss - big bad dude that everyone in the clan attacked
Friday, January 15, 2021
Splunking Game Data - Darkfire Heroes
So there is somewhat of an eclectic mix of drivers going into this post. As I talk with individual Splunk users, Splunk administrative teams, and larger teams that have access to Splunk (security, operations, etc) I sometimes come across a subset of folks who have a tough time trying to figure out how to take advantage of the data they have access to. In some cases it is because they lack imagination, vision, or strategy relative to what they are trying to accomplish. Sometimes it is being so heads down in the daily grind they have trouble 'looking up' so to speak and collecting their thoughts. More often than not though they are wearing multiple hats and could use a hand getting over the Splunk language learning curve. This post is designed to help a bit - some Splunk Processing Language (SPL) exposure mixed with a bit of dialogue on why I made the dashboard/dashboard panels the way I did.
To start with I need data. Turns out I've started playing a mobile game called Darkfire Heroes. It isn't quite in a beta state but isn't available globally quite yet. The other day, Dec 8 & 9 to be exact, they had a 2 day Player vs Player (PvP) contest. Individual match wins were tracked as well as aggregate win total if you belonged to a group within the game; a clan. As a total side note it is interesting to see people's gaming pedigree based on descriptions they use. Are some of the bad guys/monsters you fight creeps, mobs, trash, etc and are you a part of a clan, guild, or alliance? Outside of this mini event there is a clan rewards chest that also gives varying level of rewards based on aggregate PvP wins over a week. PvP matches won during this 2 day event will count towards that reward chest.