Overall impression….meh. It was decent for a first year conference. Oh wait this is its 3rd. That there was a Cyber Security Tutorial before the first actual day of the conference should have been a little telling. Presenters were also only given 30 minutes so not much ability to dive deeply. I think there was more of a focus on law enforcement cyber concepts and general cyber research than anything else which absolutely has a place…..but not for where I am and what I’m doing. If it required a clearance it would probably be a conference I’d like to have happen twice a year given the areas the speakers came from. Ah well. I also hate to knock presenters as on some level it takes some stones to stand up before folks and speak. At one point I did see someone take their iPad, take a picture of one of the presenters as they droned on and on and used some movie special effects app to blow them up. Indeed sir, indeed.
One thing I did find myself thinking about at the airport was the idea of a Cyber Warfighter