Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh the pain of marketing material

Ok I can’t resist. I tried but I can’t. Let’s just get it out of the way that I’m a big ArcSight fanboi. Does it have it’s faults, bugs, and places that could use some TLC work/rework?; you bet. What software doesn’t though? Is it a powerful platform that can act as a force multiplier when it comes to your InfoSec program?; absolutely! Does it do stuff natively that other products haven’t even thought of?; only in ways I didn’t fully realize until using other products that leave me scratching my head in wonderment. Would I like to work at ArcSight if the right position came up that didn’t require a ton of travel?; yup. Might this post kill that chance?; doh – maybe.

So I’m reading the July/August Information Security magazine (pdf link) and I come across a full page ArcSight ad with a line that reads “Finely tuned to combat cybertheft and cyberfraud, the ArcSight ETRM (Enterprise Threat and Risk Management Platform) gives you better visibility of real-time events and better context for risk assessment, resulting in reduced response time and costs.”