I figure since I have a blog upon which to write why not do a little promotion for the breakout session I am leading at the ArcSight 2010 User Conference.
I knew going into the 2009 User Conference that based on our daily event count ArcSight thought of us as being a medium sized company – and on the lower end at that. Certainly, I thought, we weren’t really “that” small. In short, we were. The reality is even though our event count has increased since then, we still are. At last year’s conference I was quickly struck by the number of very large companies who use this product and their multiple hundred million EPD. By and large the historic ArcSight tool and mindset has been with this sort of company in mind. One can generalize they have a 24x7 SOC with staff ready to receive alerts and respond in (near) real time. (accurate?) As a relatively small shop (average or mean sized?) we simply don’t have the same level of staffing resources. This has led us to a somewhat non-traditional alerting system.